Employment application form.

    Tell us about yourself.

    Position Applied For:*

    Full Name:*

    Address line 1:*

    Address line 2:

    Address line 3:



    Date of Birth:*

    Home Telephone:

    Mobile Telephone:*

    Email Address:*

    * = Required field

    Education & Training

    Education history

    School attended:*

    Exam results:* (Please state if awaiting results)

    If you have not yet left school, when do you expect to leave

    College/University Attended

    * = Required field

    Previous Employment

    Please list your previous employment history here. If you have not yet worked, leave these fields blank.

    Name & Address of Employer

    Dates From/To

    Job Title & Duties

    Reason for Leaving

    Name & Address of Employer

    Dates From/To

    Job Title & Duties

    Reason for Leaving

    Name & Address of Employer

    Dates From/To

    Job Title & Duties

    Reason for Leaving

    Any other relevant previous employment?

    Previous Relevant Experience

    Detail any previous experience, including voluntary work.


    Please list any existing holiday commitments. If none state "none".*

    What are your interests & hobbies?*

    * = Required field

    Do you have any regular evening or weekend commitments?*

    Examples might be rugby training, football training, band practice. These are commitments which would would prevent you from being able to work.

    * = Required field

    Criminal Convictions.*

    List any criminal convictions other than 'spent' convictions. If none, state "None".
    The information provided will be confidential and will be considered only in relation to this application.

    * = Required field

    Work Absences.*

    List any absences from work during the last 12 months (other than holidays) with reasons. If none state "none".

    * = Required field


    Please provide details of where we could obtain the following references. Note that references are normally only taken up after a successful job offer.

    Character Reference

    Name & Address



    Work Reference

    Name & Address



    Curriculum Vitae.

    If you wish to send us your CV, you can upload here. Valid filetype is PDF only

    The Pavilion Cinema recognises its responsibility for the health, safety and welfare of its employees; however, it is also essential that the company identify health problems at an early stage to allow it to respond effectively. Therefore all employees are asked to complete a health questionnaire at Induction and are expected to maintain an acceptable level of attendance.


    The above information is true. I understand that any job offer made on the basis of untrue or misleading information may be withdrawn or my employment terminated.

    Enter your name to sign this document:


    * = Required field

    It is not normally our policy to acknowledge applications submitted for consideration. Therefore if you have not heard from us within 28 days of submitting your application, you should assume you have been unsuccessful.

    Please review all the above details, then press the button below to submit your application.

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